How To Get The Best Out of Relationship While On The Road

Hmmm, relationships. To be sincere with us all, relationship is more than just what most us of take it to be. While some see it as a journey, others see it as a way to out of loneliness. Irrespective of what our opinions are on relationship. One thing that I know, which is for sure, is that relationship requires, hard work, commitment coupled with a lot of sacrifices.

Relationships can somewhat be quite complicated even for partners who live the conventional kind of lifestyle, not to talk of we Digital Nomads. An average digital nomad will be on the road for at least nothing less than 8 months in a year. This is not to scare us, it’s just a clarion call for us to fasten our belts and look for a way in which we can make our relationship work most especially while we are on the move.

Travelling and moving around from one place to the other with or without our partner has the tendency to make things south. While on the road there it is very possible we lose touch of romance, intimacy and some other fun stuff that come with a happy relationship.

Does this now mean that being a digital nomad, does not really give room for a relationship? NO, with my few years of experience in the industry in an active relationship, I do hope that some of the insights I’ll be sharing with us in this write-up should point our relationships in the right direction. Below are some of the ways in which you can spice up your relationship while on the road.

Be Open and Honest With Our Partner

Being open and honest is one of the key ingredients needed for any successful relationship. When going on a trip to Thailand, we must always let our Thailand be Thailand. We should not be found wanting taking pictures in some caves in Brazil when we ought to be in Thailand. Lies can really pull some bad strings in any relationship such that if care is not taken, such a relationship might crash without notice. When it comes to being open, we must be very open to our partner, because this might be the only way to make our partner see what we really are going through. Our partners should be the first to know when things are not really making sense. He or she must always be aware of our locations at every point in time.

Be Time and Date specific

Most of the time, our partners will definitely miss us (for those of us that who do not travel with our partner), so the need for us to keep with date and time. When we fix 5 pm to do FaceTime with our partner, we shouldn’t for no reason be excused. When we fix a date to return home, we shouldn’t for no reason compromise, even if at all we want to miss out on a date, we should come up with tangible reasons, and we must be sure to notify our partner beforehand.

Always keep him/ her in the loop

Obviously, most of us might live in countries other than that which our partners reside, time zone differences might also have some roles to play here. The need for us to always keep our partner in the loop and fill them in on every single detail when the time permit. Above all, we must be good listeners. Through effective listening, we tend to discover some things about our partner which sometimes might not be communicated directly.

Try doing things together.

This might sound kind of impossible, but it’s however very possible, watching a movie via Netflix at the same time, reading the same book, or playing online games together with your partner if he/ she is type that loves playing games are some of the activities that could foster high level of intimacy between us and our partners.

Learn to express love.

This is one of the most important things we need to continuously do for our partner. With or without distance, we should inculcate the habit of expressing love to our partner. Doing this brings about:

  • Unending Romance and intimacy
  • It keeps the fire burning.

We could express love to our partner’s in a numbers of ways. Some of which includes but are not limited to the following:

  • Sending of postcards
  • We could also arrange for flowers to be delivered at her doorstep
  • While going on a trip, we could leave notes, stating how much we care about our partner in places where he or she could easily stumble on it. Under the pillow may possibly not be a bad idea, under the coffee machine might also be cool. Just be sure to place it in places where it could easily be found by her after your departure.

Rules and boundaries must be clearly stated.

Some folks may not like the idea of their partner’s going to parties, having guest around or going on dates while away. These are some of the things that should be sorted out before setting out on a trip.

Here are some other ways in which we could spice up our relationship, while on the road.

  • Always make her feel important
  • Always keep in touch and be consistent with it.
  • We must always be mindful of the fact that we are not single anymore. We shouldn’t be found doing things singles do, you guys should know what I mean. LOL.
  • We shouldn’t be too distracted with work, there must be hours of the day, dedicated to having fun with our partner.
  • We must learn to keep to our words. we must try as much as possible to let our NO be NO
  • Finally the most important. There should be an agreement when it comes to spending. Spending out of budget could really upsetting at times. Anytime we decide to spend out of the budget, let’s be sure to fill our partners in before doing such.

There are no singles ways to make a relationship work, what works for me, might not apply to your relationship. But, I strongly believe that some of the points raised in this write up should help spice up our relationship and make it more fun.

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